Chas Murrell’s techno-thriller, Yearn to Fear, is undeniably compelling as it is centered on industrial espionage, a likely theme in a world where governments and companies continue the race of unraveling more lucrative technological advancements.
To lower budget deficits following the COVID-19 outbreak, the Australian government hopes to develop extremely efficient computer chips. Marcus Hall is the prime Sydney-based CSIRO electronics engineer tasked with developing the revolutionary Lamarr chips. Murrell’s elaborate writing begins the mystery with an obvious antagonist. As the mystery unfolds, more unexpected revelations are made. Work continues as usual for Marcus who enjoys a friendly working environment alongside his assistant, Henry, and Sarah, the project manager. The excitement around the project mounts when Marcus makes an overwhelming discovery: a ground-breaking neuroscience breakthrough. The plot is fascinating and moves fast following the discovery. Suddenly caught at the center of an arson attack and blazing guns, Marcus begins to question who he has been working with. Chas Murrell palliates the tense action scenes with humorous remarks and romantic scenes. His characters are refreshingly realistic. As the main character, Marcus is heroic but also initially unconscious of everything going on around him. The antagonist is brutal and calculating yet given to irrational behavior.
Murrell’s experience shows throughout the book as he carefully explains the project which forms the basis of the novel. Interesting technical descriptions are explained in an easy-to-understand language. Even as part of a series, the novel can be read and understood on its own. Its extraordinary plot is built purposefully towards its exciting climax. Tense conflicts are also resolved and explanations are provided within the book. Still, one is left wanting more of author, Chas Murrell’s incredible work and as the novel is skillfully executed.
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